Tango-Tanz-Videos mit Cristian Taffarello:


Personalized Tango Lessons!

Individual or couple, role leader or role follower, you decide. If you want to start dancing Tango or if you already dance and want to improve your dance this is the best option, a class made for your needs in "Tango Danza". Technique, choreographic sequences, connection, embrace, walk, musicality (different orchestras, musical interpretation), milonga codes and much more...


I am Cristian Taffarello. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

There I learned to dance this beautiful dance from some of the most respected and recognized Milongueros, Masters and Dancers. They taught me to love and respect our special tango culture.


I am passionate about teaching Tango, an activity that I have been doing since 2009 in Buenos Aires and since 2021 here in Munich and in Europe. I am waiting for you to share a pleasant learning moment in a relaxed atmosphere.


Discounted promotion for a package of several classes.

Contact number: +49 1511 0449622

E-mail: cristiantaffarellotango@gmail.com


Follow Cristian on:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tigrejovie

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cristiantaffarello/

Tango Argentino Kurse in München-Neuhausen

Learn tango with young professional dancers. Join the course with well-prepared and structured classes, after which you will feel ready to start dancing tango in Munich!


During the classes we focus on basics principles for Argentine Tango:

  • posture and embrace
  • transmission of movements
  • the basic steps and figures

Tuesdays in room 3 in Maillinger Studios:

19:00-20:15 Beginner course

20:15-21:30 Intermediate course




Website: tangoflow.org

Salsa-Tanzkurs in München-Neuhausen am Montag

Mietstudios München, Kursraum, Seminarraum, Workshopraum, stundenweise mieten, Tanzsaal, Trainingsraum, günstig in München Neuhausen West, Tanzstudio mieten
Saal 3 der Maillinger Mietstudios ist sehr beliebt für Privat-Trainings und kleinere Kurse. Eichenparkett-Tanzboden, große Spiegelwand, Musikanlage, variable Beleuchtung

Salsa Tanzkurs 

schon seit vielen Jahren immer Montag abends um 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr


mit Lehrer Andras Szekely im Saal 3


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